you'll have 40 second to answer each question Multiple Choice Questions MPT Preparation Quiz .Each correct answer carries one mark .There is negative marking for Multiple Choice Questions. For each wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted. .
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As an academician the latest trends in the examination system of medical students has always been a fascinating study. Hence I have been following the advent of MCQs into the medical examination system with great interest.
Multiple choice questions have evolved from a stage of studied disdain to grudging acceptance to a stage where they have become ubiquitous. Their value in objective testing of the student's grasp of the subject has been widely acknowledged by academicians the world over. So it is not surprising to see that they are now so entrenched in the system that the Undergraduate medical student become familiar with them from his first year itself and is rid of them only after his super-speciality days are over.
As it has always been my endeavour to help students learn the fascinating subject of Orthopaedics from all angles. I scoured the various Websites available for MCQs in Sports and Gmaes Related General knowledge questions , but the dearth of a single, authentic question bank for MCQS was so glaring that it prodded me to bring out the first Webiste PHYSIOFITINDIA on google of "A Quiz mode Question Bank of Multiple Choice Questions in
The questions have been so segregated that they are arranged in various types of quiz corresponding to the various topics in "Sports and Gmaes Related General knowledge questions and all physiotherapy related subjects,
This website is aimed to satisfy the needs of not only the Undergraduates preparing for their Sports and Gmaes Related General knowledge or their PG Entrance Exam, but also the Post-graduates who are preparing for their exams
The purpose of this Practice mode Quiz would have been achieved if it kindle in the students an abiding interest in
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