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Physiotherapy Multiple choice questions on Ex therapy Quiz
This 150 + Question Practice Physical Therapy Exam is designed to provide practice for students preparing to take the National Physical Therapy Exam.
The test is designed in a different format that is similar to the actual board exam and has four responses available for every question.
The student must select and record the MOST appropriate answer for each question. its quiz Practice mode
As an academician the latest trends in the examination system of medical students has always been a fascinating study. Hence I have been following the advent of Exercise therapy MCQs into the medical examination system with great interest.
Physiotherapy Multiple choice questions on Ex therapy Quiz
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➤ ➤ The effect of two non-linear systems acting at a common point can be determined by finding out their resultant, which can be determined by____
🅐 simple arithmetic addition
🅑. law of triangle
🅒. law of parallelogram
🅓. cosine law
➤ ➤ 40 Kg traction force is applied to the part at an angle of 30 degrees. What will be the effective distractive force at the joint?
🅐 30kg
🅑. 35kg
🅒. 40 kg.
🅓. 45 kg
➤ ➤ Friction is the resistive force offered by the surface, when one surface moves over the other, which is____.
🅐 Directly proportional to the area of the surface in contact.
🅑. Nature of the surface.
🅒. Weight of the moving object.
🅓. all of the above
➤ ➤ Pulleys are used to _______.
🅐 Make the work easy
🅑. Alter the direction of motion .
🅒. Gain mechanical efficiency.
🅓. All the above
➤ ➤ In a pulley maximum resistance force is produced when the angle of pulley is
🅐 In line with the moving bone .
🅑. 900 to the moving bone.
🅒. 600 with moving bone.
🅓. 450 with the moving bone
➤ ➤ ________ order lever is the lever of speed
🅐 1st.
🅑. 2nd.
🅒. 3rd. '
🅓. All
➤ ➤ Knee flexion in prone lying is an example of_______.
🅐 1st order lever.
🅑. 2nd order lever.
🅒. 3rd order lever.
🅓. 4th order lever
➤ ➤ 2nd order lever is the lever of_______.
🅐 Stability
🅑. Instability.
🅒. Speed.
🅓. Efficiency
➤ ➤ Standing on toes is an example of _______ order lever.
🅐 1st.
🅑. 2nd .
🅒. 3rd.
🅓. 4th
➤ ➤ In our body more numbers of _______ order levers are present
🅐 1st.
🅑. 2nd.
🅒. 3rd.
🅓. 4th
➤ ➤ ___ order lever is the lever of power.
🅐 1st
🅑. 2nd .
🅒. 3rd .
🅓. All
➤ ➤ Nodding movement of head is the example of _______ order lever
🅐 1st.
🅑. 2nd .
🅒. 3rd .
🅓. 4th
➤ ➤ Elbow flexion in mid-prone position is done by brachioradialis muscle; lifting 10 kg dumb-bell converts it from _____.
🅐 1st to 2nd order lever.
🅑. 2nd to 3rd order lever.
🅒. 3rd to 4th order lever .
🅓. 3rd to 1st order lever all
➤ ➤ The degrees of freedom of the MCPJ of fingers is____.
🅐 1.
🅑. 2 .
🅒. 3.
🅓. 4
➤ ➤ Ankle DF/PF takes place ________.
🅐 Saggital plane & frontal axis.
🅑. Frontal plane & saggital axis.
🅒. Transverse plane & vertical axis .
🅓. Coronal plane & horizontal axis
➤ ➤ The characteristics of any starting position ______.
🅐 Stable.
🅑. Comfortable.
🅒. Provide room for full range of motion .
🅓. All of the above
➤ ➤ Active fixation can be achieved by _____.
🅐 Co contraction of muscles
🅑. Straps .
🅒. Manual pressure.
🅓. Non of the above
➤ ➤ In normal standing, line of gravity passes_______the knee joint.
🅐 In front of .
🅑. Behind.
🅒. Through.
🅓. Lateral to
➤ ➤ Pronation and supination take place on ______.
🅐 Sagittal plane and frontal axis.
🅑. Frontal plane and sagittal axis.
🅒. Transverse plane and vertical axis.
🅓. Coronal plane and horizontal axis
➤ ➤ Mechanically the assistance/ resistance are most effective when it acts at ___.
🅐 Acute angle.
🅑. Obtuse angle .
🅒. Perpendicular .
🅓. 0 degree
➤ ➤ Stiff knee gait is characterized by ____.
🅐 Lurching
🅑. Hand to knee.
🅒. Hip hiking.
🅓. Steppage gait
➤ ➤Foot supination takes place during ____ phase of gait cycle.
🅐 Heel strike to foot flat
🅑. Foot flat to mid stance.
🅒. Mid stance to heel up.
🅓. Heel up to toe up
➤ ➤ _____ muscle is known as decelerator in normal human locomotion.
🅐 Ilio-psoas
🅑. Gastro-soleus.
🅒. Hamstring.
🅓. questionuadriceps
➤ ➤ Running is distinguished from walking by ___
🅐 Cadence more than 130/min.
🅑. Absence of double support phase.
🅒. none of the above
🅓. All of the above
➤ ➤ Person with hip abductors weakness walks with lateral trunk bending towards the affected side during the stance phase, which___.
🅐 Improves the efficacy of hip abductors
🅑. Shifts the weight line towards the involved side.
🅒. Gives rise to apparent weight loss.
🅓. Provides momentum
➤ ➤ Person with questionuadriceps weakness walks with equestionuines gait, correction of which
🅐 Will loose the independent ambulation
🅑. Improves the cosmesis and function.
🅒. Strengthen the questionuadriceps.
🅓. Non of the above
➤ ➤ _________manipulation is used to obtain sensory stimulation.
🅐 stroking
🅑. effleurage.
🅒. Kneading.
🅓. Friction
➤ ➤ Which of the following is not a tapotement techniquestionue?',
🅐 clapping.
🅑. beating.
🅒. pounding.
🅓. petrissage
➤ ➤ The movement requestionuired for hacking manipulation is______.
🅐 forearm supination - pronation
🅑. wrist flexion – extension.
🅒. elbow flexion – extension.
🅓. all of the above
➤ ➤ A pillow is placed under the abdomen in prone lying position for the massage of the back to ____.
🅐 flatten the back
🅑. raise the pelvis to facilitate drainage.
🅒. relieve pressure over the breasts in case of female.
🅓. all of the above
➤ ➤ The benefits of correct Therapist’s position ___.
🅐 stress on therapist’s back is reduced
🅑. little energy expenditure as body weight is used.
🅒. direction, pressure and rhythm of movements are easily controlled.
🅓. all of the above
➤ ➤ . Muscle is most efficient in______ range.
🅐 Outer
🅑. Outer part of middle .
🅒. Inner part of middle .
🅓. Inner
➤ ➤ Forearm pronation range of motion is limited due to _______
🅐 Bony contact
🅑. Soft tissue approximation.
🅒. Soft tissue tension.
🅓. Tension of ligament
➤ ➤Relaxed passive movement is useful for
🅐 Muscle strengthening
🅑. Improving joint range of motion.
🅒. Remembrance of pattern of movement.
🅓. Improving co-ordination
➤ ➤ Stretching is the ____
🅐 Slow and sustained forced passive movement
🅑. Sudden but controlled forced passive movement.
🅒. Relaxed passive movement.
🅓. Manipulation
➤ ➤Anterior pelvic tilt is produced by ________.
🅐 Hip extensors and abdominals
🅑. hip flexors and lumbar extensors.
🅒. Hip adductors and trunk side flexors.
🅓. Non of the above
➤ ➤ Natural speed for every active exercise varies from individual to individual and in the same individual from time to time. Choose the correct ✅ regarding the speed of movement
🅐 Movement at natural speed requestionuires greater muscular effort and control
🅑. Movement at reduced speed requestionuires optimal force.
🅒. Movement at increased speed requestionuires strong muscular effort.
🅓. All of the above
➤ ➤ Muscles are most often used in the middle range during activities of daily livings so most efficient within this range.
🅐 Exercise in outer range is used for muscle re-education
🅑. Exercise in middle range is used for muscle tone and power.
🅒. Exercise in inner range is used for training stabilization.
🅓. All of the above
➤ ➤Finger walking on the wall to touch a mark is an example of ____ exercise
🅐 Passive
🅑. Subjective free .
🅒. Objective free.
🅓. Assisted
➤ ➤ . In which of the PRE the load remains constant during the training session______
🅐 Delorme
🅑. Watkin.
🅒. Zinovief.
🅓. Mcquestionueen
➤ ➤ In Delorme’s PRE the progression of 10 RM is made once in _________
🅐 Daily
🅑. Every week.
🅒. Every fortnight.
🅓. Every month
➤ ➤Low resistance high repetition exercise is used to improve muscle_______
🅐 Strength
🅑. Endurance.
🅒. Volume.
🅓. Co-ordination
➤ ➤Example of soft tissue approximation limiting joint range of motion is____.
🅐 Forearm pronation
🅑. Hip flexion with knee extension.
🅒. Ankle df with knee flexion.
🅓. Elbow flexion
➤ ➤Example of passive insufficiency is _____.
🅐 Hip flexion with knee extension.
🅑. Fingers flexion with wrist extension .
🅒. Ankle df with knee flexion .
🅓. Shoulder external rotation with abduction
➤:'➤ Limitation of finger abduction is due to tension of _____.
🅐 Skin
🅑. Muscles .
🅒. Ligament.
🅓. Bone
➤:'➤ End feel of _______ is bony.
🅐 Knee extension.
🅑. Elbow extension.
🅒. Ankle df .
🅓. Forearm supination
➤ ➤ Forced passive movement is contraindicated for _______ joint.
🅐 Hip.
🅑. Knee.
🅒. Elbow.
🅓. Spine
➤ ➤Joint mobilization is contraindicated in _______.
🅐 Soft tissue tightness.
🅑. Joint stiffness.
🅒. Loose body inside the joint.
🅓. Bursitis
➤ ➤ . Glenohumeral anterior glide can improve
🅐 Extension range.
🅑. Flexion range.
🅒. Extension and external rotation .
🅓. Flexion and internal rotation range
➤ ➤Kaltenborn has described _____________ grades
🅐 4.
🅑. 3.
🅒. 5 .
🅓. None of the above.
➤ ➤ Ankle traction can improve _____ range of motion.
🅐 Plantar flexion.
🅑. Dorsi flexion.
🅒. Inversion.
🅓. Eversion
➤:'➤ Leathery end feel is characteristic of ________.
🅐 Soft tissue tightness
🅑. Capsular tightness.
🅒. Bony obstruction.
🅓. Internal derangement
➤ ➤The end feel of loose body inside the joint is _________.
🅐 Elastic
🅑. Hard.
🅒. Leathery .
🅓. Springy rebound
➤ ➤ The fixed point in axial suspension is ______.
🅐 Vertically above the axis of the joint
🅑. Vertically above the cg of the part.
🅒. Sideways to the anatomical axis of the joint .
🅓. Sideways to the CG of the part
➤ ➤ Pendular suspension is used to improve the JROM by shifting the fixed point ___
🅐 Towards the direction of motion
🅑. Opposite to the direction of motion.
🅒. Upward.
🅓. Downward
➤ ➤In axial suspension the part rests in ____ position.
🅐 Neutral
🅑. Away from neutral .
🅒. Above the supporting surface.
🅓. Flexion
➤ ➤ Movement in pendular suspension takes place in _______ plane.
🅐 Horizontal
🅑. Inclined plane .
🅒. Sagittal .
🅓. Frontal
➤ ➤Double pulley rope is used to support heavy body part it becomes
🅐 Difficult to elevate the part by lifting the wooden cleat up.
🅑. Possible to do 3-d movements.
🅒. Easy to elevate the part by pulling the wooden cleat down.
🅓. Non of the above
➤ ➤Vertical suspension is used for __________.
🅐 Relaxation.
🅑. Strengthening .
🅒. Stretching .
🅓. Proximal fixation
➤:'➤ Pulley rope in suspension therapy is used to ________.
🅐 Elevate the part from the supporting surface
🅑. Permits 3d pattern of movements .
🅒. Allow frictionless to and fro movements .
🅓. All of the above
➤ ➤Choose the correct statement
🅐 Physiological cost of concentric muscle work is greater than eccentric
🅑. Physiological cost of static muscle work is greater than concentric.
🅒. Physiological cost of eccentric muscle work is greater than concentric.
🅓. Physiological cost of isometric muscle work is greater than eccentric
➤ ➤ . Which of the following statements is true regarding muscle strengthening?
🅐 Increase & decrease in speed of movement is a progression of concentric work.
🅑. Increase in speed of movement is a progression of eccentric work .
🅒. Decrease in speed of movement is a progression of static work .
🅓. all of the above
➤ ➤Frenkels exercises are devised to improve co-ordination by use of sight, sound and touch in case of ataxia due to________.
🅐 Cerebellar lesion
🅑. Loss of kinesthetic sensation .
🅒. Spastic paralysis .
🅓. Flaccid paralysis
➤:'➤ Progression of Frenkels exercise is made by alteration of ____.
🅐 Speed- questionuick to slow.
🅑. Range- wider to smaller.
🅒. Complexity of exercises .
🅓. All of the above
➤:'➤ For the recovering muscles _______.
🅐 Concentric exercises are given before eccentric.
🅑. Eccentric exercises are given before concentric .
🅒. Concentric and eccentric exercises are given together .
🅓. Eccentric exercises are given before static
➤:'➤ PNF was developed by________.
🅐 Kabat & Knott.
🅑. Knot & Voss.
🅒. Car & Shepherd .
🅓. Dardiner & Hollis
➤ ➤ Which of the following PNF technique is used in Cerebellar ataxia?',
🅐 Repeated contraction
🅑. Hold & relax .
🅒. Rhythmic initiation.
🅓. Rhythmic stabilization
➤ ➤Rhythmic Initiation techniquestionue is used for ________.
🅐 Tightness.
🅑. Flaccid paralysis.
🅒. Cerebellar ataxia .
🅓. Parkinsonism
➤ ➤ Groove in PNF refers to __________.
🅐 Maximum resistacce
🅑. Diagnonal pattern of movement .
🅒. Repeatition .
🅓. Proprioceptive stimuli
➤ ➤ In PNF elbow flexion is a component of __________.
🅐 Flexion- abduction – external rotation.
🅑. Flexion- adduction – external rotation.
🅒. Extension- abduction – internal rotation .
🅓. all of the above
➤ ➤ . In PNF knee flexion is a component of __________.
🅐 Flexion- abduction – external rotation
🅑. Flexion- adduction – external rotation
🅒. .Extension- adduction – internal rotation.
🅓. Extension- abduction – external rotation
➤ ➤ Which is not true for rhythmic stabilization?',
🅐 It develops co-contraction
🅑. Manual resistance applied alternately to opposite side only in closed kinematic chain position .
🅒. It develops stability .
🅓. There should not be any relaxation phase between contraction
➤ ➤Choose the correct progression of ambulation by a pair of auxiliary crutches_______.
🅐 2 point 3 point 4 point
🅑. 4 point 3 point 2 point.
🅒. 3 point 4 point 2 point.
🅓. 2 point 4 point 3 point
➤ ➤The correct sequestionuence of stair climbing with a pair of axillary crutches is_____.
🅐 Crutches affected leg sound leg.
🅑. Affected leg, sound leg, crutches.
🅒. Sound leg affected leg crutches.
🅓. Crutches sound leg affected leg
➤ ➤ Elbow crutches are indicated for the persons with ________.
🅐 Strong upper extremities and strong trunk
🅑. Strong upper extremities and weak trunk.
🅒. Weak upper extremities and strong trunk .
🅓. Weak upper extremities and weak trunk
➤ ➤Gutter crutches are indicated for the persons with ________.
🅐 Strong upper extremities and strong trunk
🅑. Strong upper extremities and weak trunk.
🅒. Strong upper extremities but problems in FA/wrist & hand .
🅓. strong trunk
➤ ➤ Persons with unilateral hip problem leans to the affected side and advised to use a walking stick. On which side he should use the stick?',
options:['. 🅐 Affected side
🅑. Sound side .
🅒. Either side .
🅓. Single stick is not useful
➤ ➤The measurement for axillary crutches is taken from _____.
🅐 Anterior axillary fold to 20 cm forward and lateral to little toe
🅑. Tip of the axilla to 20 cm forward and lateral to little toe.
🅒. Anterior axillary fold to tip of medial malleolus .
🅓. All of the above
➤ ➤While descending the stairs, the therapist must stand_______.
🅐 Behind the patient.
🅑. Behind the patient towards the weaker side .
🅒. In front of the patient .
🅓. In front of the patient towards the weaker side
➤:'➤ Trendelenburgs sign is said to be positive when________.
🅐 Sound side pelvis drop down, while standing on affected side.
🅑. Affected side pelvis drop down while standing on sound side .
🅒. Sound side pelvis elevated while standing on affected side .
🅓. Non of the above
➤:'➤ In Thomas test position limitation of hip adduction range indicates shortening of __.
🅒. Iliopsoas .
🅓. Rectus femoris
➤ ➤ In Thomas test position limitation of hip internal rotation range indicates shortening of _________.
🅑. ITB .
🅒. Iliopsoas .
🅓. Rectus femoris
➤ ➤ Sterncledomastoid tightness is characterized by ________ deformity.
🅐 Neck side flexion towards the affected side with rotation to opposite side
🅑. Neck side flexion towards the sound side with rotation to affected side.
🅒. Neck side flexion and rotation towards the affected side .
🅓. Neck side flexion and rotation towards the sound side
➤ ➤Obers test is done to detect shortening of _______.
🅐 Iliopsoas.
🅑. IT band.
🅒. hamstrings .
🅓. Gastro-soleus
➤ ➤ Hip abductors at grade 3 is tested in inside lying on the sound side. For gluteus minimus hip abduction is done _______.
🅐 In neutral position
🅑. In flexion.
🅒. In extension .
🅓. In external rotation
➤:'➤ To test questionuadriceps for grade 2 the subject should lay ________.
🅐 On affected side.
🅑. On sound .
🅒. In supine .
🅓. In prone
➤ ➤During elbow flexion in sitting, Triceps ________.
🅐 Works concentrically
🅑. Works eccentrically .
🅒. Works statically .
🅓. Does not work
➤ ➤ Leg lowering from extended knee position questionuadriceps works ________.
🅐 Concentrically.
🅑. Eccentrically.
🅒. Statically .
🅓. Isokinetically
➤:'➤ Leg lowering against resistance from extended knee position, ________.
🅐 quadriceps works concentrically.
🅑. quadriceps works eccentrically .
🅒. Hamstrings works concentrically .
🅓. Hamstrings works eccentrically
➤ ➤what should be the temperature of water in hydrotherapy unit?
🅐 270 C – 350 🅒.
🅑. 220 C – 420 C .
🅒. 320 C – 350 C .
🅓. None of the above
➤ ➤ In hydrotherapy the factor/factors which can have an effect on heart rate is/are
🅐 Temperature of water.
🅑. Hydrostatic pressure of water .
🅒. Both a and b .
🅓. Buoyancy of water
➤:'➤ The upward movement inside the water is easy. The movement is assisted by ____.
🅐 Gravity
🅑. Buoyancy.
🅒. Hydrostatic pressure .
🅓. Water current
➤ ➤ . Which of the following properties of water helps a patient with lower extremity muscles weakness to stand in side hydrotherapy pool which otherwise can not stand?',
🅐 Buoyancy
🅑. Temperature of water.
🅒. Hydrostatic pressure .
🅓. Specific gravity
➤ ➤The cross infection in hydrotherapy can be checked by________.
🅐 Boiling the water.
🅑. Washing the client before entering into the pool .
🅒. Controlling the environmental temperature, humidity etc.
🅓. Chlorinating the water
➤ ➤Movement on the surface of the water is _________.
🅐 Assisted buoyancy.
🅑. Supported buoyancy .
🅒. Supported hydrostatic pressure.
🅓. Resisted by the displaced water
➤ ➤The dangers of hydrotherapy is_________.
🅐 Slippage and fall
🅑. Drowning.
🅒. Infection .
🅓. All of the above
➤ ➤ The danger of prolonged hydrotherapy is _________.
🅐 Fatigue.
🅑. Water and electrolyte loss.
🅒. Rise in body temperature .
🅓. All the above
➤ ➤The contraindication of hydrotherapy is_________.
🅐 Convulsions.
🅑. Respiratory diseases .
🅒. Incontinence of bowel & bladder.
🅓. All the above
➤ ➤Which of the following properties of water helps a patient with lower extremity muscles weakness to stand in side hydrotherapy pool which otherwise can not stand?
🅐 Buoyancy
🅑. Temperature of water .
🅒. Hydrostatic pressure.
🅓. Specific gravity
➤ ➤For group therapy maximum number of patients in group is about ______.
🅐 4-6
🅑. 6 -8 .
🅒. 8-10 .
🅓. More than 10
➤ ➤ . The advantages of group therapy ________.
🅐 Time saving for therapist.
🅑. Builds up confidence in patients .
🅒. Maximizes patients effort and develop competition among the patients .
🅓. All the above
➤ ➤ Mitchell techniquestionue of relaxation is based on the principle of ________________
🅐 Reciprocal innervations
🅑. Autogenic inhibition.
🅒. Cue controlled relaxation.
🅓. Released only
➤ ➤Valsalva Maneuver should be avoided for
🅐 Patients with hypertension
🅑. Geriatric patients.
🅒. Patients who have undergone abdominal surgery .
🅓. All of the above
➤ ➤ . Progressive resistance exercises improve the muscle power in every individual
🅐 True.
🅑. false.
🅒. Not always
➤ ➤Delayed onset muscle soreness peaks at
🅐 1 – 2 days.
🅑. 2 – 3 days.
🅒. 1 week.
🅓. None of the above
➤ ➤DOMS can be prevented by
🅐 Adding warm up and cool down period to the exercise protocol.
🅑. By a gradually progressive exercise programme .
🅒. Achieving sretchability in the exercising muscle prior to the exercise programme .
🅓. All of the above
➤ ➤If stair climbing has to be improved which exercises should be done?
🅐 Closed chain concentric.
🅑. Closed chain concentric & eccentric .
🅒. Closed and open chain concentric & eccentric .
🅓. Open chain concentric exercises.
➤ ➤To improve function which exercise programme is preferable
🅐 Closed chain concentric.
🅑. Open chain concentric .
🅒. Plyometric.
🅓. Closed chain concentric & eccentric
➤ ➤Which is not true for isokinetic exercise
🅐 Exercise speed can vary from very low to very high speed
🅑. Strength gain occurs at training speed.
🅒. Patient need to control the momentum. .
🅓. it improves muscle endurance
➤ ➤Which is the most important variable to improve muscle force generation capacity?
🅐 Load.
🅑. Duration .
🅒. Sets.
🅓. Frequestionuency
➤ ➤The minimum duration of exercise programme to improve strength should be at least.
🅐 3 weeks
🅑. 6 weeks .
🅒. 10 weeks .
🅓. 12 weeks
➤ ➤What should be the progression of exercise protocol following musculoskeletal injury.
🅐 Isometric – eccentric – concentric.
🅑. Isometric – concentric – concentric & eccentric.
🅒. Concentric – eccentric – concentric & eccentric.
🅓. Isometric - concentric – eccentric
➤ ➤ Oxford techniquestionue is opposite of
🅐 Dapre.
🅑. Delorme.
🅒. Mcquestionueen .
🅓. None of the above
➤:'➤ In slow stretching
🅐 GTO fires.
🅑. Muscle spindle fires.
🅒. Monosynaptic stretch reflex initiated.
🅓. None of the above
➤ ➤Tightness is same as
🅐 Scar tissue adhesion.
🅑. Adaptive shortening .
🅒. Transient contracture.
🅓. Contracture.
➤ ➤When there is permanent deformation with a load of low magnitude and long duration in the elastic range it is known as.
🅐 Fatigue failure
🅑. Reaching elastic limit .
🅒. Creep .
🅓. Ultimate strength
➤ ➤ . For most of our functional activities we use
🅐 Toe region of collagen fibres
🅑. Elastic portion of collagen fibre.
🅒. Plastic range.
🅓. None of the above
➤:'➤ Which is the best method for stretching tight structures?
🅐 Manual stretch.
🅑. Prolonged cyclic.
🅒. Prolonged sustained stretching .
🅓. Ballistic stretching
➤ ➤ . In any exercise programme for 1 MET increase of exercise level systolic blood pressure rises by
🅐 5 – 7 mmHg
🅑. 7 – 10 mmHg .
🅒. 10 – 12 mmHg .
🅓. 12 – 15 mmHg
➤:'➤ Active inhibition technique are not effective for
🅐 Muscle Weakness.
🅑. Spasticity .
🅒. Paralysis form neuromuscular dysfunction.
🅓. All of the above
➤:'➤ Volume of training refers to
🅐 Intensity multiplied by duration
🅑. Total number of sets.
🅒. Sets multiplied by resistance .
🅓. None of the above
➤:'➤ Usually more than _____________ sets cause musculoskeltal injury
🅐 2 set
🅑. 3 set.
🅒. 5 set .
🅓. 10 set
➤ ➤ . In DAPRE the base repetition maximum is
🅐 10 RM
🅑. 1 RM.
🅒. 6 RM .
🅓. 3 RM
➤ ➤To avoid muscle strain which is important among the following?
🅐 Adequestionuate strength
🅑. Adequestionuate extensibility .
🅒. Adequestionuate resistance to fatigue.
🅓. All of the above
➤:'➤ Which is not true in case of muscle strengthening
🅐 Cross sectional area of the muscle increase.
🅑. Number of muscle fibre increase.
🅒. Mitochondrial density increases .
🅓. Energy sources for muscle activity increases
➤ ➤ Which is the important factor to gain bone density?',
🅐 Resistance training.
🅑. Weight bearing aerobic conditioning .
🅒. Weight bearing resistance training .
🅓. Non weight bearing aerobic training
➤:'➤ Which is not an effect of strengthening on CVS?
🅐 Increased heart rate
🅑. Decreased systolic BP.
🅒. Increased cardiac output .
🅓. Decreased cholesterol
➤:'➤ Which is not true for endurance training?
🅐 Increased use of fatty acid.
🅑. Increase used of glycogen .
🅒. Slowing accumulation of lactic acid in the working muscle .
🅓. None of the above
➤ ➤ ACSM classifies for muscle strengthening programme, a person with 6 months of consistent resistance training experience as
🅐 Novice
🅑. Intermediate .
🅒. Advanced .
🅓. Elite
➤ ➤What is the % gain expected from untrained individual?
🅐 Upto 10 %
🅑. Upto 20 % .
🅒. Upto 40% .
🅓. Upto 60 %
➤:'➤ How much gain in strength is expected from elite individual
🅐 2 %
🅑. 5 % .
🅒. 10% .
🅓. 15 %
➤:'➤ What is the optimal time of hold necessary for isometric contractions
🅐 6 seconds
🅑. 10 seconds.
🅒. 12 seconds.
🅓. 12 seconds
➤ ➤The advantage of isometric contraction could be because it
🅐 Helps for re – education.
🅑. Helps gaining muscle strength.
🅒. Prepares for dynamic exercise .
🅓. All of the above
➤:'➤ Hypertensive can do isometrics with a hold period of
🅐 < 1 sec.
🅑. < 2 sec.
🅒. < 3 sec .
🅓. < 5 sec
➤ ➤ . The cam system used in a weight machine provides
🅐 Constant resistance
🅑. Less resistance when patient is exhausted .
🅒. Less resistance at he beginning and end of ROM .
🅓. Gives resistance intermittently
➤ ➤Which is not an advantage of weight machine
🅐 There is effective stabilization.
🅑. There is gain in proprioception and balance .
🅒. They are time efficient .
🅓. The equestionuipment is time efficient
➤:'➤ If balance is the rehabilitation goal which exercise programme is preferred?
🅐 Weight machine.
🅑. Free machine .
🅒. Both have similar advantage for balance .
🅓. Pulley or cam machine
➤:'➤ Hopping skipping jumping are form of
🅐 Eccentric exercise.
🅑. Plyometrics .
🅒. Concentric followed by eccentric .
🅓. None of the above
➤ ➤The distinction of impact activities and plyometrics is its
🅐 Eccentric phase.
🅑. For production .
🅒. Amortization phase .
🅓. Velocity of phases
➤ ➤ . Which is more functional speed in isokinetic training?',
🅐 High
🅑. Intermediate.
🅒. Low .
🅓. Low followed by high
➤:'➤ Ballistic stretching is helpful for
🅐 Musculoskeletal patients
🅑. Neurological patients .
🅒. Athletes .
🅓. All of the above
➤ ➤If stretching is done upto 5 times with duration of stretch 30 sec. the length gain may last upto
🅐 5 minutes
🅑. 10 minutes .
🅒. ½ hour .
🅓. 1 hour.
➤:'➤ If 6 week stretching Programme is given, we expect the retention of gain up to
🅐 1 month.
🅑. 2 months.
🅒. 3 months.
🅓. 6 months
➤ ➤ . For elderly individual the duration of stretch should be
🅐 Same as younger individuals.
🅑. More than young people.
🅒. Less than young people .
🅓. Should not be given stretching.'],
➤:'➤ Double support phase present at the _____ phase of gait cycle.
🅐 Beginning of stance.
🅑. End of stance .
🅒. Beginning and end of stance .
🅓. Mid stance
➤ ➤The CG displaced to the highest level during ____ phase of gait cycle
🅐 Foot flat
🅑. Mid stance.
🅒. Double support .
🅓. Mid Swing
➤ ➤ . Horizontal displacement of CG during normal human locomotion is about ____.
🅐 2 cm
🅑. 5 cm.
🅒. 7 cm .
🅓. 10 cm
➤ ➤Cadence is the number of steps per minute, which is equestionual to _____ in normal human locomotion.
🅐 70 – 90.
🅑. 90 – 110 .
🅒. 90 – 130.
🅓. 70 – 130
➤ ➤During normal human locomotion knee movement is co-ordinated with ankle movement to minimize the upward displacement of CG. The relationship between knee and ankle movements are_____.
🅐 Knee flexion occurs with ankle dorsiflexion.
🅑. Knee extension occurs with ankle plantarflexion .
🅒. Knee flexion occurs with ankle plantarflexion .
🅓. Non of the above
➤ ➤At heel strike phase of gait cycle line of gravity passes behind the ankle joint creating plantar flexion moment so
🅐 Dorsiflexors act eccentrically
🅑. Dorsiflexors act concentrically.
🅒. Plantarflexors act eccentrically .
🅓. Plantarflexors act concentrically
➤ ➤At midstance phase of gait cycle line of gravity passes behind the hip joint creating flexion moment. Weakness of Gluteus maximus gives rise to ____ gait.
🅐 Hand to thigh gait
🅑. Anterior trunk bending .
🅒. Posterior lurching.
🅓. Hip hiking
➤ ➤ . Stiff knee gait is characterized by ____.
🅐 Lurching
🅑. Hand to knee.
🅒. Hip hiking.
🅓. Steppage gait
➤ ➤ . Foot supination takes place during ____ phase of gait cycle.
🅐 Heel strike to foot flat.
🅑. Foot flat to mid stance.
🅒. Mid stance to heel up.
🅓. Heel up to toe up
➤:'➤ _____ muscle is known as decelerator in normal human locomotion.
🅐 Ilio-psoas
🅑. Gastro-soleus.
🅒. Hamstring .
🅓. questionuadriceps
➤:'➤ Running is distinguished from walking by _____.
🅐 Cadence more than 130/min.
🅑. Absence of double support phase .
🅒. All of the above
➤:'➤ Person with hip abductors weakness walks with lateral trunk bending towards the affected side during the stance phase, which___.
🅐 Improves the efficacy of hip abductors.
🅑. Shifts the weight line towards the involved side.
🅒. Gives rise to apparent weight loss.
🅓. Provides momentum
➤ ➤ Person with questionuadriceps weakness walks with equestionuines gait correction of which
🅐 Will loose the independent ambulation
🅑. Improves the cosmesis and function .
🅒. Strengthen the questionuadriceps .
🅓. Non of the above
➤:'➤ _________manipulation is used to obtain sensory stimulation.
🅐 stroking
🅑. effleurage.
🅒. Kneading .
🅓. Friction
➤ ➤Which of the following is not a tapotement techniquestionue?
🅐 clapping
🅑. beating .
🅒. pounding.
🅓. petrissage
🔰Q The movement requestionuired for hacking manipulation is______.
🅐 forearm supination - pronation
🅑. wrist flexion – extension .
🅒. elbow flexion – extension.
🅓. all of the above
🔰Q . A pillow is placed under the abdomen in prone lying position for the massage of the back to ____.
options ➽
🅐 flatten the back.
🅑. raise the pelvis to facilitate drainage .
🅒. relieve pressure over the breasts in case of female .
🅓. all of the above
🔰Q The benefits of correct Therapists position ___.
🅐 stress on therapists back is reduced
🅑. little energy expenditure as body weight is used
🅒. direction pressure and rhythm of movements are easily controlled
🅓. all of the above
1. c 41. b 81. b 121. a
2. b 42. d 82. c 122. d
3. d 43. a 83. d 123. b
4. d 44. a 84. d 124. c
5. b 45. a 85. d 125. b
6. c 46. b 86. d 126. b
7. c 47. c 87. d 127. b
8. d 48. d 88. c 128. c
9. c 49. b 89. b 129. a
10. c 50. a 90. d 130. c
11. b 51. a 91. a 131. a
12. a 52. b 92. d 132. a
13. b 53. d 93. c 133. b
14. b 54. b 94. a 134. c
15. a 55. a 95. d 135. b
16. d 56. d 96. b 136. b
17. a 57. d 97. d 137. d
18. a 58. b 98. c 138. c
19. c 59. d 99. a 139. a
20. c 60. b 100. b 140. c
21. b 61. b 101. a 141. c
22. b 62. c 102. b 142. d
23. c 63. c 103. a 143. c
24. a 64. a 104. c 144. d
25. b 65. c 105. c 145. b
26. d 66. b 106. a 146. a
27. d 67. a 107. b 147. a
28. b 68. d 108. b 148. d
29. d 69. a 109. d 149. a
30. b 70. b 110. c 150. d
31. b 71. c 111. b 151. d
32. d 72. a 112. c
33. a 73. b 113. d
34. a 74. a 114. c
35. b 75. b 115. c
36. c 76. d 116. a
37. c 77. b 117. b
38. c 78. c 118. b
39. b 79. a 119. c
40. a 80. c 120. a
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