The latissimus dorsi (r, I) is one of the posterior shoulder joint muscles that form the muscular system's shoulder girdle. 

The latissimus dorsi is a flat muscle and triangular shape that covers the lumbar region and also covers the lower half of the thoracic region and is gradually contracted into a narrow fasciculus at its insertion into the humerus. 

The functions of the latissimus dorsi include joining the upper limb with the axial skeleton and facilitating the proper motion of the upper limb.

Origin:- L01-LO5
            - the sacrum thoracolumbar fascia
            - Spinous processes of T07-T12 
            - inferior portion of the scapula
            - posterior third of the iliac crest
            - ribs 09-12

Insertion: Intertubercular groove of humerus 

Innervation/nerve supply: Thoracodorsal (middle or long subscapular nerve) nerve, a branch of the posterior cord (C06-C08)

Action: Medial rotation, adduction, extension, and respiration  

Blood supply: Thoracodorsal artery

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