Tendon injury,most common tendon injury

 Tendon Complete or partial tendon ruptures may occur acutely. Normal tendons consist of tight parallel bundles of collagen fibers. Injuries to tendons generally occur at the point of least blood supply, for example, with the Achilles tendon usually 2 cm (0.75 in.) above the insertion of the tendon, or at the musculotendinous junction.

 A tendon rupture occurs without warning, usually in an older athletes without a history of injury in that particular tendon. The two most commonly ruptured tendons are the Achilles tendon and the supraspinatus tendon of the shoulder. 

The main objective of the treatment of tendon injuries is to restore full motion and function. Partial tears are characterized by the sudden onset of pain and by localized tenderness but they may be difficult to distinguish from tendinopathy

When investigation is indicated, ultrasound and MRI can be useful. Both modalities can distinguish between a partial or complete tendon rupture and overuse tendinopathy. Generally, acute tendon rupture requires surgical treatment followed by progressive rehabilitation



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