The Nervous System 

Development and Subdivision (A-D)

The nervous system serves information processing. In the most primitive forms of organization (A), this function is assumed by the sensory cells (A-C1) themselves.

These cells are excited by stimuli coming from the environment; the excitation is conducted to a muscle cell (A-C2) through a cellular projection, or process.

The simplest response to environmental stimuli is achieved in this way. (In humans, sensory cells that still have processes of their own are only found in the olfactory epithelium.) In more differentiated organisms (B), an ad ditional cell is interposed between the sensory cell and the muscle cell - the nerve cell, or neuron (BC3) which takes on the transmission of messages.

 This cell can transmit the excitation to several muscle cells or to additional nerve cells, thus forming a neural network (C). A diffuse network of this type also runs through the human body and innervates all intestinal organs, blood vessels, and glands. It is called the au autonomic (visceral, or vegetative) nervous system (ANS), and consists of two components which often have opposing functions: the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. The interac tion of these two systems keeps the interior organization of the organism constant.

In vertebrates, the somatic nervous system developed in addition to the autonomic nervous system; it consists of the central nervous system (CNS; brain and spinal cord), and the peripheral nervous system (PNS; the nerves of head, trunk, and limbs). It is re responsible for conscious perception, for volunitary movement, and for the processing a neural network (C). A diffuse network of this type also runs through the human body and innervates all intestinal organs, blood vessels, and glands. It is called the au autonomic (visceral, or vegetative) nervous system (ANS), and consists of two com ponents which often have oppositions: the sympathetic nervous system in the parasympathetic nervous system. The interaction of these two systems keeps the interior organization of the organism constant.

The CNS develops from the neural plate (D4) of the ectoderm which then transforms into the neural groove (D5) and further into the  neural tube (D6). The neural tube finally differentiates into the spinal cord (D7) and the brain (D8).

 The Nervous System
Functional Circuits (E, F)

The nervous system, the remaining or veganism, and the environment are functionally linked with each other. Stimuli from the environment (exteroceptive stimuli) (E9) are conducted by sensory cells (E10) via sensory (afferent) nerves (E11) to the CNS  (((((Seen in fig)))))

In response, there is a command from the CNS via motor (efferent) nerves (E13) to the muscles (E14). For control and regulation of the muscular response (E15), there is internal feedback from sensory cells in the muscles via sensory nerves (E16) to the CNS.

This afferent tract does not transmit environmental stimuli but stimuli from within the body (proprioceptive stimuli). We therefore distinguish between exteroceptive and proprioceptive sensitivities.

However, the organism does not only respond to the environment; it also influences it spontaneously. In this case, too, there is a corresponding functional circuit: the action (F17) started by the brain via efferent nerves (F13) is registered by sensory organs (F10), which return the corresponding information via afferent nerves (F11) to the CNS (F12) (reafference, or external feedback). Depending on whether or not the result meets the desired target, the CNS sends out further stimulating or inhibiting signals (F13).

Nervous activity is based on a vast number of such functional circuits.

In the same way as we distinguish between exteroceptive sensitivity (skin and mucosa) and proprioceptive sensitivity (receptors in muscles and tendons, autonomic sensory supply of the intestines), we can subdivide the motor system into an environment oriented ecotropic somatomotor system (striated, voluntary muscles and an idiom tropic visceromotor system (smooth intestinal muscles).

 Position of the Nervous System in the Body (A,B)

The central nervous system (CNS) is divided into the brain, encephalon (A1), and the spinal cord (SC), medulla spinalis (A2).

The brain in the cranial cavity is surrounded by a bony capsule; the spinal cord in the vertebral canal is enclosed by the bony vertebral column. Both are covered by meninges that enclose a cavity filled with a fluid, the cerebrospinal fluid. 
Thus, the CNS is protected from all sides by bony walls and the cushioning effect of a fluid (fluid cush ion).

The peripheral nervous system (PNS) in cludes the cranial nerves, which emerge through holes (foramina) in the base of the skull, and the spinal nerves, which emerge through spaces between the vertebrae (in intervertebral foramina) (A3). The peripheral nerves extend to muscles and skin areas.

They form nerve plexuses before entering the limbs: the brachial plexus  (A4) and the lumbosacral plexus (A5) in which the fibers of the spinal nerves intermingle; as a result, the nerves of the limbs contain portions of different spinal nerves

At the entry points of the afferent nerve fibers lie ganglia (A6); these are small oval bodies containing sensory neurons.

When describing brain structures, terms like "top," "bottom," "front," and "back" are inaccurate, because we have to distinguish between different axes of the brain (B).

Owing to the upright posture of humans, the neural tube is bent; the axis of the spinal cord runs almost vertically, while the axis of the forebrain (Forel's axis, orange) runs horizontally: the axis of the lower brain divisions (Meinert's axis, violet) runs obliquely.

The positional terms relate to theses axes:

the anterior end of the axis is called oral or rostral (os, mouth; rostrum, beak), the pos anterior end is called caudal (cauda, tail), the underside is called basal or ventral (venter, abdomen), and the upper side is called dorsal (dorsum, back).

The lower brain divisions, which merge into the spinal cord, are collectively called the brain stem (light gray) (B7). The anterior division is called the forebrain (grav) (B8).

The divisions of the brain stem, or trunk, have a common structural plan (consisting of basal plate and alar plate, like the spinal cord,

. Genuine peripheral nerves emerge from these divisions, as they do from the spinal cord. Like the spinal cord, they are supported by the chorda dorsalis during embryonic development. All these features distinguish the brain stem from the forebrain. The subdivision chosen here differs from the other classifications in which the diencephalon is viewed as part of the brain stem. pulali

The forebrain, prosencephalon, consists of two parts, the diencephalon and the telencephalon or cerebrum. In the mature brain, the telencephalon forms the two hemi spheres (cerebral hemispheres). The diencephalon lies between the to hemisphare

A9 Cerebellum.

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