INTRODUCTION Joints are sites where two or more bones or cartilages articulate. Free movements occur at the synovial joints. 

Shoulder joint is the most freely mobile joint. Shoulder joint gets excessive mobility at the cost of its own stability, since both are not feasible to the same degree. The carrying angle in relation to elbow joint is to facilitate carrying objects like buckets without hitting the pelvis. 

Supination and pronation are basic movements for the survival of human being. During pronation the food is picked and by supination it is put at the right place the mouth. While 'giving' , one pronates, while 'getting' one supinates. 

The first carpometacarpal joint allows movements of opposition of thumb with the fingers for picking up or holding things. Thumb is the most important digit. 

Remember Muni Dronacharya asked Eklavya to give his right thumb as Guru-Dakshina, so that he is not able to outsmart Arjuna in archery. 


The shoulder girdle connects the upper limb to the axial skeleton. It consists of the clavicle and the scapula. Anteriorly, the clavicle reaches the sternum and articulates with it at the sternoclavicular joint. The clavicle and the scapula are joined to one another at the acromioclavicular joint.

The scapula isn't associated with the  skeleton legitimately, yet is appended to it through muscles..

Anatomy MCQs MPT Preparation Quiz

MCQ|MPT Preparation

Anatomy Quiz

Question 1 of 9

Trapezius retracts the scapula along with which of the following muscles:
(a) Rhomboids
(b) Latissimus dorsi
(c) Serrafus anterior
(d) Levator scapulae

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