ENTRANCE EXAMINATION-2017 MASTER OF  PHYSIOTHERAPY                                                     


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Timer 1 hour 45 Minutes                                                


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 1.The different stages of sensation following cold application

A. Sting, cold, burn/ache, numb

 B. Cold, burn/ache, numb, sting

C. Numb, cold, burn/ache, sting 

D. Cold, sting, burn/ache, numb



2.What should be the minimum value to be for pressure while using intermittent compression devices


 A. ≤30 mmHg

B. ≤100 mmHg 

C. ≤120 mmHg

D. ≤80 mmHg



3.In distributed practice


A. Rest between trials is greater than the amount of time for trial

B. Rest between trials is less than or equal to the amount of time for trail 

C. Rest between trials is greater than or equal to the amount of time for trial 

D. Rest between trials is less than the amount of time for trail


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4.The resting membrane potential of large nerve fibers when they are not transmitting signals. 


A. -120 millivolts 

B. -100 millivolts

C. -90 millivolts

 D. -60 millivolts



5.The features of second heart sound:


A. Due to closure of aortic and pulmonary valves. low pitch, short in duration

B. Due to closure of aortic and pulmonary valves, low pitch, relatively long

 C. Due to closure of aortic and pulmonary valves, rapid snap, relatively long

D. Due to closure of aortic and pulmonary valves, rapid snap, short in duration



6.The patient has an arterial ulcer located on the distal end of her great toe .the safest electrotherapy modality which can be used in this patient.


A. Therapeutic ultrasound

B. Short wave diathermy

C. Hydrotherapy 

D. Pneumatic compression therapy



7.The biofeedback in muscle reeducation is used to elicit 


A. Twitch reaction

 B. Relaxation

C. Reduce muscle injury

 D. Muscle contraction



8.The lasers influence the inflammatory through:


A. Increasing lymphocyte activity

B.Decreasing prostaglandin  

C. Decreasing metabolism

D. Realigning collagen



9.The normal chronaxie threshes hold current values in innervated and denervated muscles. 


A. innervated < 0,5m s, denervated > 10 ms

B. innervated <0.Im s , denervated >5 ms

C. innervated<0.1m s,denervated <5 ms

D innervated <ims, denervated > 10 ms



10.DIF-pattern in PNF of upper limb.


A. Shoulder: Flexion-adduction-internal rotation, Elbow: may fiex or remain extended, Forearm: Supination and Wrist: flexion with ulnar deviation, Fingers: Flexion and adduction. 

B. Shoulder: Flexion-abduction-internal rotation, Elbow: may flex or remain extended, Forearm: pronation and Wrist: flexion with radial deviation, Fingers: Flexion and the adduction. 

C.Shoulder: Flexion-adduction-external rotation, Elbow: may flex or remain extended, Forearm: Supination and Wrist: flexion with radial deviation, Fingers: Flexion and the adduction.

D. Shoulder: Flexion-adduction-internal rotation, Elbow: may flex or remain extended, Forearm. Pronation and Wrist flexion with ulnar deviation, Fingers: Flexion and the adduction, 



11.Doing exercise in water will have following effect on respiratory system except


A. Increased work of breathing

 B. Decreased vital capacity 

C. Decreased exercise induced asthma 

D. Increased vital capacity


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12.A patient lifts a fixed load and the muscle which contracts concentrically develop .


 A constant tension throughout the range of motion 

B. Maximum tension at only one point in the range of motion 

C. Maximum tension at beginning and end of the range of motion 

D. Maximum tension at 3 points such as beginning, midway and at the end of range of motion



13.Hold relax technique will result in relaxation of muscle. The reason for relaxation


A. Autogenic inhibition

B. Irradiation 

C. After discharge

D. Temporal summation



14.In case of peripheral joint mobilization, treatment plane lies on:


 A. Convex surface irrespective of arthrokinematics

B. Concave surface when convex surface is moving 

C. Convex surface when concave surface is moving 

D. Concave surface irrespective of arthrokinematics



15.The resting position of humeroulnar articulation for peripheral joint mobilization using sustained translator technique


A. Elbow flexed 90 degrees and forearm supinated 10 degrees 

B. Elbow flexed 30 degrees and forearm supinated 10 degrees 

C. Elbow flexed 80 degrees and forearm supinated 10 degrees 

D Elbow flexed 70 degrees and forearm supinated 10 degrees



16.In spinal traction, to achieve unilateral effects aiming maximum distraction of ficets on one side of the neck.


 A.The neck ls side bend opposite and rotated toward the side to be affected.


B. The neck is side bend and rotated toward the side to be affected 


C. The neck is extended and rotated toward the side to be affected.


D. The neck is extended, side bent opposite and rotated toward the side to be affected.



17.The normal value of Q-T interval in electrocardiogram:


A. 0.50 seconds 

B. 0.16 seconds

C 0.20 seconds 

D. 0.35 seconds



18.Renin is a small protein enzyme related to blood pressure regulation. 


A. For about 30 minutes to 1 hour

B. For few minutes only 

C. For about 24 hours

D. For about 1 to 2 hours



19.The normal clotting time:


A. 10-15 minutes 

B less than 1 minutes

C. 6 to 10 minutes 

D. more than 10 minutes



20.The approximate value of expiratory reserve volume:


A. About 1100 milliliters

B. About 1500 milliliters

C. About 1400 milliliters 

D. About 1000 milliliters



21.The main limiting factor in the rate of chemical reaction 

A. Oxygen availability

B. Concentration of ADP 

C. Accumulation of CO2

D. Concentration of ATP 


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22.The contraction of muscle spindle fibers along with skeletal muscles will help


A. To decrease receptor portion of the muscle spindle and it maintains proper dampening function.

B. To keep receptor portion of the muscle spindle from chanting and it maintains proper dampening function

C.To increase receptor portion of the muscle spindle and it maintains proper dampening function 

D. To keep receptor portion of the muscle spindle from changing and function



23.The flocculonodular lobes of the


A Blood pressure regulation

B. Coordination

C. Production of stereotyped 

D. Equilibrium functions



24.Micrographia seen in Parkinson disease is 

a problem 


Resulting from motor planning deficits 

B. Resulting from motor learning deficits 

C. Resulting from abnormal muscle tone

D. Resulting from cardiopulmonary dysfunction



25.The VI stage in Rancho Los Amigos level of cognitive functional scale.


A. Automatic Appropriate

B. Confused-Appropriate

C. Purposeful -Appropriate

D. Confused inappropriate



26.In a neurological examination while assessing the plantar reflex. The normal response which will be observed.


A. Dorsiflexion of great toe with fanning of plantarflexion

B. Dorsiflexion of great toe with of other toes

C. Plantar flexion of other toes with plantar flexion of great toe

D. Inversion of foot with plantar flexion at ankle joint



27.The number of task and maximum score in Berg balance scale


A. 12 and 48

B. 14 and 56

C. 13 and 52

 D. 10 and 40


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28.The grades of mobilization in oscillatory techniques in which the oscillations are more like manual vibrations.


A. Grade I & Grade III

 B. Grade I & Grade II

C. Grade III & Grade IV

 D. Grade II & Grade III



29.The primary training methods to improve balance in subjects with asymmetrical weight bearing while standing


A. Sensory integration training & Motor strategy training

B. Motor strategy training & Limits of stability training 

C. Centre-of-mass control training & Limits of stability training 

D. Limits of stability training & Sensory integration training



30Among the following which exercise is not safe during pregnancy


A. Bilateral straight leg raise

B. All four hip extension

C. Unilateral weight-bearing activities

 D. All the above



31.In acute stroke patients the positioning strategy of lower limb in supine lying 


A. Pelvis: Protracted; Hip : Forward: Knee: Extended; Under the Sole: Nothing should be place

B. Pelvis: Retracted ; Hip : Forward: Knee: on a small towel rol: Under the Sole: Nothing should be placed

C. Pelvis: Protracted; Hip : Forward: Knee: on a small towel roll: Under the Sole: Nothing should be placed

D. Pelvis: Protracted; Hip : Backward: Knee: on a small towel roll. Under the Sole: Nothing should be placed



32.An appropriate cardiovascular training parameters for multiple sclerosis patient: 


A. Frequency: All 7 days a week; Intensity: 80 to 90% of peak heart rate; Mode: cycling walking

B. Frequency: Alternate days of week; Intensity: 100% of peak heart rate: Mode: cycling walking 

C. Frequency: Altemate days of week; Intensity: 60 to 75% of peak heart rate: Mode: cycling walking 

D. Frequency: All 7 days a week; Intensity: 30 to 40% of peak heart rate: Mode: cycling walking 



33.Identify the preventive strategies among the following interventions in a middle stage amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patient, (1).Range of motion exercise (2) Strengthening exercises (3)Wheel chair prescription (4) Education of caregivers for functional training (5) Mechanical lift


A. Interventions 1, 2 and 3

 B. Interventions 2 and 3

C. Intervention 1 and 2 

D. All the intervention



34.A patient is put on plaster cast for the fracture of tibia. To reduce muscle.


A. Intermittent isotonic  contractions can be advised

B. Intermittent eccentric contraction can be advised 

C. Intermittent resisted isometric contractions can be advised

 D. Intermittent muscle setting can be advised


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35.As home treatment programme for patient with limited shoulder extension you want to teach hi self-mobilization. The way to do the self mobilization 


A. The patient sits and places both arm  mobilization. behind him, fixing both hands on the solid surface. He then leans the body weight between the arms. 

B. He is asked to sit on a firm surface and grasp  the fingers under the edge. He then leans the trunk towards the stabilized arm

C. He is asked to sit on a firm surface and grasp the fingers under the edge. He then leans the trunk away from the stabilized arm.

D. The patient sits and places both arm in front of him, fixing both hands on the solid surface. He then leans the body weight between the arms.



36.A patient is treated post surgically for rotator cuff tear. The rhythmic stabilization exercises for scapular muscles during maximum-protection phase can be initiated. 


A. After 1 week after surgery against a pain-free level of resistance

B. Immediately after surgery against a pain-free level of resistance 

C. After 2 days after surgery against a pain-free level of resistance

D. After 2 week after surgery against a pain-free level of resistance



37.The features of lymphedema in stage I 


A. Lymphedema is reversible, with minimal edema

B. Lymphedema is spontaneously irreversible with minimal edema 

C. Lymphedema is reversible with no pitting on pressure

D. Lymphedema is reversible with accumulation of protein-rich fluid



38.The process of breakdown of Escher by body's own enzymes is called 


A.Autolytic debridement

B. Auto healing 

C. Self regeneration 

D. Healing by debridement



39.The patients with chronic arterial insufficiency should be advised 


A. Graded endurance exercise for 2 to 3 days a week 

B. Graded endurance exercise for one day a week

C. Graded endurance exercise for 3to 5 days a week

D. Graded endurance exercise for all 7 days a week



40.The acute effect of exercise in type 2 diabetes is produced by: 


A. BG transport via a separate additive mechanism

B. Increase in insulin production

C. By reducing storage of sugar 

D. Insulin-stimulated BG uptake into skeletal muscle



41.Which among the following is a brainstem


A. Head righting on body

B. Flexor Withdrawal

C. Protective extension

D. Symmetric tonic neck reflex



42.In a neurological ward a spinal cord injury patient is assigned to have T1 neurological level. What will be the minimum strength of the muscle innervated by T1 nerve root, in a 6 point ordinal scale, manual muscle strength testing procedure (MMT).


A 2 out of 5

B. 3 out of 5

C. 4 out of 5

D. 1 out of 5


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43.Prone on hands-position in paraplegic subjects will help functionally


A. Lower limb dressing

B. During ambulation

C. Bed mobility

D. During transfers




44.The neurological structure involved in dysmetria, dyssynergia and dysdiadochokinesia.


A. Basal ganglia

B. Internal capsule

C. Cerebellum 

D. Subthalamic nucleus



45.The treatment options available to reduce pain and muscle guarding during active disease period of rheumatoid arthritis.


A. Gentle massage and Use of supportive device

B. Use of supportive device and Avoidance of activities that 

C. Avoidance of activities that stress the joints and relaxation

D. Gentle massage and relaxation technique



46.The muscle abnormalities in posterior shin splints. 


A. Tight anterior tibial muscles and weak gastroc soleus complex

B. Tight gastroc soleus complex and weak posterior tibialis muscle 

C. Both gastrocsoleus complex and anterior tibial muscles will be weak

D. Both gastrocsoleus complex and anterior tibial muscles will be tight 



47. The closed-chain exercise during early phases of rehabilitation of  knee after surgery will lead to development of: 


A. More shear forces on knee ligaments than open chain exercises 

B. Same amount of shear forces as compared to the open chain exercises 

C. Less shear forces on knee ligaments than open chain exercises

D. Strength without affecting the knee ligaments



48.While a patient doing the short-arc terminal extension exercises in early phase of rehabilitation after knee surgery. The amount of lateral shear force at the knee can be prevented:


A. By ankle plantar flexion 

B. By ankle dorsiflexion

C. By ankle eversion

D. By ankle inversion



49.Pressure garments helps in reducing scar formation in burn injuries by the following mechanism 

A. Reduced vascularity, decreased mucopolysaccharides, decrease collagen and reduced localized edema 

B. Reduced vascularity, increased mucopolysaccharides, decrease collagen and reduced localized edema

C. Increased vascularity, decreased mucopolysaccharides, decrease collagen and reduced localized edema 

D. Increased vascularity, increased mucopolysaccharides, decrease collagen and reduced localized edema



50.Components of obligatory flexion synergy in lower limb seen after stroke. 


A. Hip flexion, abduction, external rotation, knee flexion, ankle dorsiflexion, eversion, toe dorsiflexion

 B. Hip flexion, abduction, external rotation, knee flexion, ankle dorsiflexion, inversion, toe dorsiflexion

C. Hip flexion, abduction, external rotation, knee flexion, ankle dorsiflexion, inversion, toe plantarflexion 

D. Hip flexion, adduction, external rotation, knee flexion, ankle dorsiflexion,inversion, toe dorsiflexion



51.A patient is having lateral shift toward right side associated with inter vertebral disk protrusion. 

The method to correct lateral shift

A. A medial glide technique is used to correct the shift

B. A lateral gliding technique is used to correct the shift

C. A spinal extension will correct the shift

D. A Spinal flexion will correct the shift.


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52.The self correction method of lateral shift in patients with anterior protrusion of inter vertebral disk. 


A. Standing and placing the leg on the side of shift with hip at 90 of flexion. The knee on the opposite of the lateral shift remains extended. The patient flexes the trunk onto the raised thigh and applies pressure by pulling on the ankle

B. Standing and placing the leg on the side of shift with hip at 90 opposite side of the lateral shift remains extended. The patient extends the trunk.

C. Standing and placing the leg on the side of shift with hip at 90% of flexion. The knee on the opposite of the lateral shift remains extended. The patient flexes the trunk onto the raised thigh.

D. Standing and placing the leg opposite of the shift with  hip at 90 of flexion. The leg on the lateral shift remains extended. The patient flexes the trunk onto the raised thigh and applies pressure by pulling on the ankle.



53.Bicycling is often used in the rehabilitation of knee disorders in athletes. Which among the following will affect the patellofemoral joint reaction force? 


A. Pedalling speed

B. Type of pedal

C. Pedal resistance

D. Pedalling angle



54.Pathomechanics of rotator cuff tendinopathy in swimmers: 


A. Insufficient body roll, low elbow on recovery, insufficient external rotation of the shoulder.

B. Insufficient body roll, high elbow on recovery, insufficient external rotation of the shoulder

C. Insufficient body roll, high elbow on recovery, insufficient internal rotation of the shoulder 

D. Insufficient body roll, low elbow on recovery, insufficient internal rotation of the shoulder



55.According to the concept of periodization, the athlete tuiining ina in-season should focus:


A. Cross training

B. Moderate intensity exercises

C. Recreational exercises 

D. Skill training



56.A footballer was tackled by opponent player. He fell down turning her ankle

inward, sustaining grade 2 ankle sprain. What specifically should be done to most effectively  control the initial swelling associated with this injury?


 A. A compression warp, ice and elevation should be maintained initially for at least 30 minutes not longer than 1 hour. 

B. A compression warp. ice and elevation should be maintained initially not longer than 1 hour 

C. A compression warp, ice and elevation should be maintained initially for at least 10 minutes not longer than 1 hour.

D. A compression warp, ice and elevation should be maintained initially for at least 5 minutes not longer than 30 minutes. 



57.football player sustaining repeated contusions to the right quadriceps muscle is prone to  develop 


A Muscle weakness

B. Muscle rupture 

C. Myositis ossificans inflammation

D. Muscle



58.Herniation of the intervertebral disc between the fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae will compress.


 A fourth cervical nerve root 

B. sixth cervical nerve root

C. fifth cervical nerve root 

D. seventh cervical nerve root



59.The following tendons are inserted into the base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb except:


A. Abductor pollicis longus

 B. Extensor pollicis brevis

C. Oblique head of adductor pollicis

 D. Flexor pollicis brevis



60.The possible muscles involved in a slouched posture abnormality at hip joint. 


A. Tight rectus femoris and hamstrings, weak and tight iliopsoas, weak and poorly developed gluteus maximus

B. Tight rectus femoris and hamstrings: weak, stretched iliopsoas: weak and poorly developed gluteus medius

C. Tight rectus femoris and hamstrings, weak, stretched iliopsoas, weak and poorly developed  gluteus maximus

D. Tight rectus femoris and hamstrings: weak, stretched iliopsoas; tight and poorly developed gluteus maximus



61.A positive Thomas test indicate


A .Hamstring tightness 

B.Quadriceps tightness

C Rectus femoris tightness

D. Hip adductor tightness


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62.An athlete complains of pain during running and the pain persists after running also. She presents with no functional disability. The grade of overuse syndrome for the athlete.


A Second degree 

B First degree

C. Third degree

D. Fourth degree



63.Carbohydrate loading is used almost exclusively used by athletes: 


A. Sprinters

B. Shot-put throwers 

C. Weight lifters

D. Marathon runners



64.Which among the following is a relative contraindication for exercise testing: 


A. Active or suspected myocarditis or pericarditis

B. Thrombophlebitis or intracardiac thrombi 

C. Ventricular aneurysms

D. Recent systemic or pulmonary embolism



65.An athlete is in Il phase of rehabilitation after a injury. The type of exercise the athlete should not be doing in this phase.


A. Therapeutic Muscle Stretching 

B. Dynamic Flexibility Exercise

C. Aerobic Activity

D. Proprioceptive Drills



66.A footballer suddenly collapses in the field and dies. What cannot be the possible reason for the death? 


 A. Uncontrolled hypertension

B. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 

C. Mitral valve prolapse

D. Coronary artery spasm



67.Which among the following bones is not the part of proximal row of carpal bones? 


A. lunate

B. Pisiform 

C. Trapezium

D. Scaphoid



68.The sensory innervations of the nail bed of the index finger. 



A. Median nerve

B. Radial nerve

C. Dorsal cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve 

D. Superficial branch of the ulnar 



69.The medial collateral ligament of the elbow is closely related to:


A. Brachial artery

B. Radial nerve

C. Ulnar nerve 

D. Ulnar artery



70.The chief arterial supply of the head of the femur in adults.


A. superior circumflex artery

B. Obturator artery

C. branches from the medial and lateral circumflex femoral 

D. inferior gluteal artery


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71.The lateral rectus muscle of the eye is innervated


A. Abducens nerve 

B. Trigeminal nerve

C. Oculomotor nerve 

D. Trochlear nerve



72.The facial nerve canal is located in:


A. Occipital bone 

B. Temporal bone

C. Mastoid process

 D. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone



73.The styloglossus muscle 


A. Protrudes the tounge

B. Depresses the tounge

C. Retracts the tongue upwards and backwards 

D. Elevates the tongue



74.The type of cells found in tendons


A. Chondroblast 

B. Fibroblast

C. Osteoblast 

D. Osteoclast



75.Which among the following ligaments have 75%of elastin component


A. Ligamentum flavum

B. Anterior cruciate ligament of knee

C. Medial collateral ligament of knee

 D. Anterior longitudinal ligament of spine



76.The protein which is responsible for force transmission in muscle 


A. Actin 

B. Myosin

C. Titin




77.The sequence of activity of quadriceps muscle in different phases of gait cycle.


A. Acts concentrically during the first 10% of the stance phase to control knee flexion when the knee is flexing rapidly. Activity ceases after the first part of stance, and no activity occurs until the last 20% of the swing phase, when concentric activity begins to extend the knee in preparation for heel strike.

B. Acts concentrically during the first 10% of the stance  phase to control knee flexion when the knee is flexing rapidly. Activity ceases after the first part of stance, and no activity occurs until the last 20% of the swing phase, when eccentric activity begins to extend the knee in preparation for heel strike,

C Acts concentrically during the first 10% of the stance phase to control knee flexion when the knee is flexing rapidly. Activity ceases after the first part of stance, and no activity occurs until the last 20% of the swing phase, when concentric activity begins to extend the knee in preparation for heel strike. 

D. Acts eccentrically during the first 10% of the stance phase to control knee flexion when knee is flexing rapidly and continues its activity throughout stance phase to assist knee extension. Then concentric activity begins to extend the knee in preparation for heel strike in swing phase.



78.During observation of a gait in a man of 45 years, it's observed that He is bending his trunk posteriorly at heel strike to prevent the trunk from falling posteriorly. The affected muscle in the subject.


A. Gluteus maximus 

B. Gluteus medius

C. iliopsoas 

D. Trunk flexors



79.In the optimal erect posture.


A. The ankle joint is in 5° plantarflexion. The line of gravity passes slightly anterior to the lateral malleolus 

B. The ankle joint is in the neutral position, or midway between dorsiflexion and plantarflexion. The line of gravity passes slightly posterior to the lateral malleolus

C. The ankle joint is in the neutral position, or midway between dorsiflexion and plantarflexion The line of gravity passes bisects lateral malleolus

D. The ankle joint is in the neutral position, or midway between dorsiflexion and plantarflexion The line of gravity passes slightly anterior to the lateral malleolus


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80.The component movements of non weight bearing supination at subtalar joint


A. Calcaneal inversion Calcaneal adduction+Calcaneal plantarflexion

B. Calcaneal eversion +Calcaneal adduction+Calcaneal plantar flexion

C.Calcaneal inversion +Calcaneal abduction+Calcaneal plantar flexion

D. Calcaneal inversion+Calcaneal adduction+Calcaneal dorsiflexion



81.The posterior tilting and gliding of the superior vertebra with narrowing of the intervertebral foramen, and the spinous processes move closer together. This will




A. Vertebral rotation

B. Vertebral flexion

 C Vertebral rotation and flexion

D. Vertebral extension



82.During the backswing or cock-up" portion of throwing a ball.


A. The medial collateral ligament at elbow joint is relaxed 

B. The medial collateral ligament at elbow joint is subjected to compressive forces

C. The medial collateral ligament at elbow joint is subjected to shortened 

D. The medial collateral ligament at elbow joint is subjected to tensile stress



83.In stretching procedure the clinician applies a constant force to the shortened muscle and the structure elongates gradually. The mechanical principle behind this procedure.


A. Creep

B. Stress-strain sensitivity

C. Stress-relaxation 

D. Hysteresis



84.The clawing of hands is primarily due to the weakness of the muscle.


A. Palmar interossei

B. Lumbricals

C. Dorsal interossei

D. Thenar muscles



85.The type of breathing used in autogenic drainage 


A. Pursed lip breathing

B. Diaphragmatic breathing

C. Glossopharyngeal breathing 

D. Airshaft maneuver



86.While assisting a cough, the therapist places the heel of his hand at about the level of the patient's navel. After the patient has taken a deep breath with holding it, followed by coughing, the therapist quickly pushes up and in. The technique of assistance:


 A. Costophrenic assist

B. Anterior chest compression assist

C. Heimlich-type assist

D. Counter-rotation assist



87.On observation of breathing pattern a patient is observed to have sequences of uniformly deep gasps and apnea followed by deep gasps. This type of breathing pattern:


A. Biot respiration 

B. Apneustic breathing

C. Dyspnea 

D. Ploypnes



88.The butterfly technique is used to reduce.


A High blood pressure

B. High respiratory rate 

C High Body temperature

D. High pulse rate



89.One of the complication of positive end-expiratory pressure:


A. Increases breathing rate

B. Increased respiratory rate

C. Inversed respiratory load

D. Increase dead space ventilation


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90.The weaning from a mechanical ventilator to be a success. 


A. Negative inspiratory force <-40 cm 0

B. Negative inspiratory force <-50 cmH-0

C. Negative inspiratory force <-30 cmH;0

 D. Negative inspiratory force <-45 cmH,0



91.The normal value of central venous pressure measure at midaxillary line


A. 0 to 5 cm H²o

B. 0 to 10 cm H²o

C. 10 to 15 H²o

D. 15 to 20 cm H²o



92.The duration of exercise to elicit long-term aerobic benefits in healthy 


A. 10 to 20 min

B. 20 to 30 min 

C. 15 to 20 min

D. 20 to 40 min



93.The rate of perceived exertion used in cardiac rehabilitation.


A. It's a objective measure 

B. It's a subjective measure

C. It measures endurance 

D. It measures oxygen consumption



94.Shallow breathing pattern is usually observed:


 A. Parkinson Disease 


C. Tuberculosis

D. Ankylosing spondylitis



95.A subject is engaged in a physical activity at 70% of HRmx. The level of relative intensity of physical activity.


A Light 

B. Hard

 C. Very hard

D. Moderate



96.The features of Faradic current


A. Frequency: 50 to 75 Hz; Phases: monophasic or biphasic, duration 1 ms 

B. Frequency: 75 to 100 Hz, Phases: monophasic or biphasic; duration 1 ms 

C. Frequency: 50 to 75 Hz, Phases: monophasic or biphasic; duration 1 ms

D. Frequency: 100 to 150 Hz; Phases: monophasic or biphasic, duration >1 ms 



97.The discomfort associated with electrical stimulation.


A.Stimulation of A- alphq nerve fibers

B. Stimulation of A-bita nerve fibers 

C. Stimulation of A-gama nerve fibers 

D. Stimulation of A B nerve fibers



98.What is the value of Fresnel zone in 1 MHZ ultrasound waves in water with following parameters A= 1.5mm and size of head of radius. F 15mm


A. 15 cm

B. 10 cm 

C. 25cm

D. 5 cm


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99.The choice of selection of frequency to stimulate slow twitch fibers


A. >30 Hz 

B. <30 Hz 

c. <50 Hz




100.The half-value depth of ultrasound varies according to type of tissue  . So what is the correct the ascending sequence of half-value depth for various tissues?


A. Fatty tissue Bone> Muscle

B. Bone>Fatty tissue> Muscle

C. Fatty Tissue> Muscle Bone 

D. Muscle>Bone>Fatty tissue

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National Physical Therapy Exam Test series 1 Practice mode MPT preparation Quiz
National Physical Therapy Exam Test series 2 Practice mode MPT preparation Quiz
National Physical Therapy Exam Test series 3 Practice mode MPT preparation Quiz

 National Physical Therapy Exam. 

The test is designed in a different format that is similar to the actual board exam and has four responses available for every question. 

The student must select and record the MOST appropriate answer for each question. its quiz Practice mode 

As an academician the latest trends in the examination system of medical students has always been a fascinating study. Hence I have been following the advent of MCQs into the medical examination system with great interest. 

 New practice mode session for enhance our basics quick learn and MPT Preparation for latest update about Practice mode so follow physiofitindia with Gmail - its available on website after scrolling site

you'll have 30 second to answer each question Multiple Choice Questions MPT Preparation Quiz  .Each correct answer carries one mark .There is negative marking for Multiple Choice Questions. For each wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted.


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